International Open Solicitation for the Conceptual Design Proposals of the Wetland Park in the Core Area of the Science and Technology Eco-city in Yongchuan District

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The People's Government of Yongchuan District, Chongqing (as the Sponsor) and Yongchuan District Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources, New-town Construction Management Committee of Yongchuan District, and Chongqing Yongchuan District Huitong Construction Development Co., Ltd. (as the Organizers) are now jointly holding an event of

“International Open Solicitation for the Conceptual Design Proposals of the Wetland Park in the Core Area of the Science and Technology Eco-city in Yongchuan District”.

Design agencies worldwide with related planning and design experience are publicly invited to participate and submit the Prequalification Application Documents. The Sponsor will select five applicants as Participants for solicitation of proposals and for them to further submit their design proposals for response.

  1. Project Brief

Project name: International Open Solicitation for the Conceptual Design Proposals of the Wetland Park in the Core Area of the Science and Technology Eco-city in Yongchuan District.

Project location: The Core Area of the Science and Technology Eco-city in Yongchuan District, Chongqing City.

Scale of the project: The project covers total area of approximately two square kilometers.

Design Specifications: Conceptual Design Proposals of Garden Landscapes in the Wetland Park in the Core Area.

Method of Solicitation: Open Solicitation.

Period of Solicitation and Design: The period of design at the stage of solicitation is around 60 days.

2. Miscellaneous

Compensations for Designs Proposals

The Organizer will pay compensations for design proposals in the amount of RMB 1.0 Million (including tax) for any Participant that has submitted valid Responsive Documents within specified time frame as required per Solicitation Documents.

Awards and prize: There will be three winners in this solicitation. The first prize is RMB 2.0 million (including tax), and the second and third prizes are RMB 500,000 (including tax).

Follow-up work for the solicitation: The Sponsor/Organizers will select one Participant from the three winners to complete the integration and optimization of the Design Proposal, and award it a design consulting service contract valued at RMB 1.0 million (including tax).

3. Obtaining Prequalification Documents

The prequalification documents for this Project can be downloaded from the website of Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture.The date for obtaining prequalification documents is from May 8, 2021 to 17:00 on May 21, 2021 (Beijing Time, the same below). The website of the Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture will be accessible at 9:00 a.m. on May 8, 2021.

4. Submission of Application Documents for Prequalification

The deadline for submission of application documents for prequalification is 17:00 a.m. on May 24, 2021.

5.  More details please click: